Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trip to the Natural History Museum

Hello blog viewers. I bet you're here to read about the Natural History Museum. If you are here is what happened. First of we went to see the exhibit about Neanderthals. It was really cool because they had skeleton's what Neanderthals looked like. And they had statures of  homosapiens statues. And it showed what they ate. It was really cool.Then we saw an exhibit about the Native Americans. I liked that part because I liked the weapons , the clothing  and there was this little sculpture of the Native Americans pushing of a heard of buffalo off a cliff. And I thought that was amazing. And... a little funny. Over all I thought this field trip was amazing. My favorite exhibit was the Neanderthals because I loved the skeleton's and the detailed statues of the Neanderthals. So like I said , I loved this field trip. It was really fun . Logging off. *BOOP*            

Thursday, October 6, 2011

trip to PRATT !!!!!!

Today at school I went to Pratt institute. It was... FUN!! we learned about scholarship's , how college is important, and saw video's that were funny but some taught you some stuff.Like not to smoke. And there was a fake Michael Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And every one was worked up about him . But he was a really good dancer. It was like he was dancing on air. After all I thought it was really good and fun.